Animam Agere 1.04 Save Yourself

Episode 4 May 21, 2021 02:43:51
Animam Agere 1.04 Save Yourself
Animam Agere
Animam Agere 1.04 Save Yourself

May 21 2021 | 02:43:51


Show Notes

Fresh off the repeating Fridays the group really starts to come together. The strange building appears again and more secrets are revealed, but forces are working against them. What will they do when people start getting sick? Remember if you enjoy what we do here please share our show around and give us a review! It really helps other people find our show. You can also support us on Patreon @GobletsandGays! There you can get early access to episodes and fun bonus content. Also check out our friends @GobletsandGays!


Keeper - @MadQueenCosplay | Laurel - @Akinomii_Art | Tanith - @DragonCatpaw | Casper - @TickoutSydabus | Guillermo - @dustehill | Kerr - @Kalebisbelak

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